Category Archives: Highlights

C&EN: Scorching heat turns MOF into discerning hydrogenation catalyst

By selectively turning alkynes into alkenes, the porous material could pave the way for more efficient purification of polymer feedstocks.

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C&EN: Photochemistry unleashes a one-two radical punch for efficient ring synthesis

Iridium and nickel catalysts cooperate to install nonaromatic rings in drug molecules.

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C&EN: Water boosts light-driven coupling chemistry

A thin film of organic molecules floating on water can undergo useful photochemical reactions, without needing organic solvents or catalysts.

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C&EN: Lasers liberate hydrogen from ammonia water

Light pulses offer an alternative approach to harnessing ammonia as a carrier for green hydrogen.

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C&EN: Roll up for flexible silicon solar cells

Thin cells could wrap around corners and use less silicon without sacrificing efficiency, potentially reducing solar costs.

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C&EN: Robot assistant optimizes photochemistry

RoboChem combines flow chemistry and machine learning to improve yield of light-driven reactions.

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C&EN: Molecular shuttle thinks inside the box

Flat guest molecules zoom back and forth within iridium-based nanobox.

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Nature: Robot chemist sparks row with claim it created new materials

Researchers question whether an AI-controlled lab assistant actually made any novel substances.

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Nature: Google AI and robots join forces to build new materials

Google DeepMind tool predicts nearly 400,000 stable substances, and an autonomous system learns to make them in the lab.

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Nature: A new kind of solar cell is coming: is it the future of green energy?

Firms commercializing perovskite–silicon ‘tandem’ photovoltaics say that the panels will be more efficient and could lead to cheaper electricity.

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